What is takes to make AUTHENTIC Turkish Bread

Turkish bread is often celebrated for its unique texture and flavour. But not many people know the meticulous preparation involved to create the perfect loaf. So today, we’re taking a deep dive into the intricacies behind this beloved bread…

Embracing Authenticity from the Start

Central to the Turkish bread-making tradition is the use of a delicate, highly hydrated dough. This type of dough is not only soft and pliable but is also pivotal in capturing the essence of Turkish bread's unparalleled texture.


The distinctive taste and character of Turkish bread can be attributed to its fermentation. Unlike many bread varieties that undergo a quick fermentation, Turkish bread benefits from extended fermentation to bring out its distinct flavour.

The Magic of Hand Stretching

A significant aspect of Turkish bread's allure is its hand-stretched or hand-moulded formation. Every loaf and roll is gently formed by hand, retaining its characteristic shape.

Stone Baking

Stone baking stands out as a pivotal phase in the Turkish bread-making process. Baking loaves on a stone surface at high temperatures ensures that the bread is perfectly leavened to create the open, soft and chewy texture.

Preservation and Convenience

Traditional methods are beautifully complemented with modern techniques. Premium Turkish breads, like those from Speedibake, can have up to a 12-month frozen shelf life. Quick to defrost, they can be readily thawed and served, delivering freezer to table convenience and reducing waste.

A Turkish bread for Every Occasion

There's a Turkish bread for every occasion and culinary preference:

·       Round Lunch Roll: Ideal for sandwiches or as a companion to hearty soups.

·       Oval Lunch Roll: Adaptable and suited for a variety of fillings and spreads.

·       Turkish Pide: A classic choice that’s often served with dips, spreads, or simply as a side.

While deeply rooted in tradition, Turkish breads are now available widely and have been adapted for modern palates. Their versatility makes them perfect for everything from healthy grab-and-go lunches to classic breakfast options.

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