Aussie venues are desperate for new staff, but how do you make sure the 'on boarding' process is seamless and keeps your employees around for the long haul.
On boarding a new employee is a key process in ensuring your new employee is integrated within your business and its culture, while also ensuring the new hire is well aware of your company’s standards and how they can be as productive as possible. In the corporate world, this process can last anywhere from 3-12 months with key steps along the way but in hospo there is rarely that much time before the staff member has to stand on their own two feet.
Here we look at the four best ways to make sure your new employee stays in it for the long run.
1. Introducing a standard process
You’re going to want to make sure your business has a standard and formal process that is the same for all staff members. Ask yourself questions like “how long should this process last?” and “what do we want new employees to feel like after their first week?”. Having an idea of how your team and management can get involved and give you appropriate feedback is also very helpful; you want to learn how your new employee is travelling while also measuring how your process is working.
2. Meeting the team
Starting at a new job is scary, especially if there is an already established staff culture. Help ensure your employee feels comfortable by focusing on building rapport and inclusion into the company. Introduce your new hire to their teammates and outline rules, responsibilities and hierarchy from the start. This keeps team members from feeling threatened or confused. Some businesses like to introduce a ‘buddy system’, pairing the new employee with a supervisor or mentor can provide them with a go-to person and feel more comfortable at work.
3. Encourage at-home learning
Provide your new employee with a take-home booklet. This booklet can contain anything from contact information to menu prices and cleaning expectations, this will help them get acquainted in their own time and be less stressed when at work.
4. Checking in after they’re settled
While you may think after 3-6 months your employee is comfortable and settled, it’s important to check in with them during this stage and continue the on boarding process. Even if your new employee is completely comfortable and confident, checking in at this stage can just show them that you care, which will ultimately help them trust you, and should they need, confide in you if anything was to arise.
Whether you’ve hired a new dishie or a head chef, it’s important you think about how you will welcome them to the team so they are set up for success. Keep these tips in mind and keep communication open and you’ll be well on the way to a long working relationship.